LTCL Magazine Staff
Amy Willsey

I'm a junior magazine journalism major and business minor at the University of Missouri. I came from the lovely Kansas City and am a die hard Royals and Chiefs fan. I enjoy long-distance runs, alliteration and I spend my free time finding the fraternities with the cutest puppies. Carry on, all you pretty people, carry on.
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Becca Smith

I am a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor (LCPC). I am currently a counselor at Aurora University, Aurora, IL. I graduated with my Master's degree in Counseling. I thought it would be great to be able to share my experience and insights with you. I hope it helps!
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Brett Gordon

Brett Gordon is currently a 22 year old copywriter for Anchor Mobile in Saint Charles, Missouri. He graduated from Lindenwood University in December 2012 with a Bachelor of Arts in Mass Communications. An avid sports fan with a passion for writing, Brett hopes to someday do nothing but write and get paid for it. But for now he is down to have a good time and just live life day to day. He may not get to where he intends to go, but he knows he'll always get to where he needs to be.
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Brinton Parker

Brinton is a third year student at the University of California, Davis and is majoring in English, with a minor in Textiles & Clothing. Her passion (at the risk of sounding extremely cliché) is fashion, as well as writing, cooking, fitness, and movies. Pursuing a career in magazine journalism is the next check on her to-do list.
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Bud Hennekes

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Caroline Chabata

Former 2011-2012 Seventeen Magazine Freshman 15 blogger. Free Spirited, and spontaneous. Born and raised in the city, but currently "Living the college life" in the country. Not your traditional girly-girl, currently in a relationship with her Xbox 360. Sophomore at East Texas Baptist University majoring in Mass Communications. Loves blogging, daring fashion trends, and classic black and white movies.
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I'm a Psychology and Sociology Dual major at the University of Missouri- My emphasis is Social Behavior/Human Interaction and Criminology. I grew up in the small town of Carrollton MO, which is about an hour outside of KC. I believe that everyone has a motto that they live by so here is mine, enjoy "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter; and those who matter don't mind" -Dr Seuss
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David Rivet

David Rivet currently attends Saint Louis University in Madrid, Spain. Although he is graduating with a degree in International Business, David has experience working as the Social Media Coordinator for multiple small to medium sized businesses in St. Louis, MO. David is currently the Head of Social Media for LTCL Magazine.
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As a second year at the University of California, Davis I am pursuing a career in fashion journalism with major in sociology. For years I have written articles for local blogs, magazines, and websites, and hope to gain enough experience to work with national publications in the years to come.
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Emily Glover

Emily Glover is a recent graduate from the University of Kansas, where she got a degree in journalism and mass communications. Now she lives in a little house in the country with her husband, a dog and two cats. In her free time, Emily enjoys running, kickboxing and testing out new recipes. She works full-time as an editor, but moonlights as a health and relationships writer.
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Jasmine Lowe

Jasmine Lowe recently graduated from Cal Poly Pomona with a BA in English Literature and Language and a minor in Journalism and is currently a graduate student studying Professional Communications at Cal State Fullerton. She has written for a variety of different publications, and she is currently a writer and Social Media Analyst for Miss Millennia Magazine.
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Notoriously bad at writing biographies...but I'll give it a shot. Things I love: Theatre, singing, dancing, writing, reading and my friends. Things I don't love: The cold, being sick, bad high fives and flakey people. Sometimes I drink too much. But who doesn't? I always sober up in time to take care of my best friends who always drink more than me. It's said that you'll be known by the company you keep. I am proud to say that I keep some damn good company.

Joseph is a sophomore at The Ohio State University, studying Finance at the Fisher College of Business while also pursuing a Creative Writing minor. He also writes for Uloop News and has had articles published by the Huffington Post and USA Today College. His hobbies include sports, especially College Football and the NBA.
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Linzy Anna

Linzy Anna is a senior at Mizzou studying strategic communications in the j-school. She is a professional model, writer for Josephine Magazine, blogger for MOVE! magazine and part-time employee at Marshalls. She loves being a Big for Big Brothers Big Sisters, owls, chocolate, traveling, dancing, modeling and acting.
Lois Weldon

Lois Weldon is writer at She lives happily in London with her husband and lovely daughter. Adores writing tips for students. Passionate about Star Wars and yoga.
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Megan Prinzi

Born and raise in St. Louis Mo. I am a 23 year old nursing/business student at Maryille University and work full time in Sales at Pappas Toyota Scion in St. Peters. I love being surrounded by my family and friends doing something outside in the sunshine or by the water! I've gone through a lot as most of us have in my 23 years and have always been the one friends go to for advice on just about anything. So I hope you find the light in my tips and advise in the fab LTCL magazine =]

I was born and raised in Hawaii. Went to college at Creighton University and then transferred to The University of Pittsburgh. I played four years of Division I volleyball and graduated with a degree in Finance and Marketing. I started a company in college called, to help students save money on textbooks. I am now living in NYC working full time at Undertone. My latest and most exciting new venture is a book I am writing with two friends/entrepreneurs called "The Job Market: It's not the supply, but the way you're demanding". I am so excited to help college students find that first job. Check out my website, Aloha!
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Melisa Noriega

Hello! My name is Melisa (with one 's') and I'm a Harvard University undergraduate concentrating in biomedical engineering. I hope one day to become a surgeon, so basically to waste away my golden years in medical school. During the summer I work on the MESSENGER Mission to Mercury at the JHU Applied Physics Laboratory, which isn't exactly related to my major, but it's close to home so I get home-cooked meals and my laundry done for me. At school I'm heavily involved in Model United Nations and watching a little too much Grey's Anatomy (dreaming about becoming Christina Yang). Last year I was one of Seventeen Magazine's Freshman 15, so I'm excited to continue blogging!
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Rachel Crocetti

My name is Rachel Crocetti and I'm currently a sophomore at Hofstra University studying Journalism and Photography. I am one of the campus correspondents for Hofstra's chapter of Her Campus and also a web intern at Cosmopolitan Magazine. I'm very excited to continue writing about college experiences while I'm personally "living the college life." I love writing, photography, tea, yoga, and exploring NYC with friends. I'm also obsessed with Twitter and occasionally tweet some quirky things...follow me @rcrocetti!
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Rebecca Romero

Hi, my name's Rebecca Romero. I am a sophomore at San Diego State University majoring in Hospitality & Tourism Management emphasis in events and operations. I am a past Freshman 15 Blogger for Seventeen Magazine and am very excited to continue to blog about my experiences with LTCL! I love being outside, painting, hiking, being at the beach, hanging out with friends, as well as doing anything crafty! I'm also obsessed with Tumblr. Check out my blog at
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Rucha Shukla


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College Relationships
Perfect Valentine’s Day Dates That You Can Afford
A Girl’s Voice: How to Stand Out to Women
101 College Girl Confessions
Are You Overly Attached? Students Confess How CLINGY They Really Are
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5 Easy Ways Guys Can Benefit From the Friendzone
According to Her: Top 10 Reasons Why Women Cheat
Valentine’s Day: What if Men and Women Switched Places
Perfect Valentine’s Day Dates That You Can Afford
A Girl’s Voice: How to Stand Out to Women
101 College Girl Confessions
Are You Overly Attached? Students Confess How CLINGY They Really Are