Posted 7/8/13 by Sandra in Lifestyle

10 Techniques for Successful Writing

Sandra Miller works at editing service.

Would you like to know the secret to effective writing? Writing that readers would flock to reading because of impressive qualities? Well, you don’t have to look far because in this article you could find out about the elements that could make your writing remarkable. One thing is for sure, writing is now a job that generates dollar signs, whether you do it at home or at an office.
If you’re interested in reading about the 10 techniques for successful writing, then continue reading this article. These are the tips that prosperous writers use in their writing material.

1. Don’t repeat sentences
It is plain and clear, when you want to write successfully, don’t repeat sentences that aren’t important to the topic of your writing. Be clear in what you want to say and say what you really mean. Repeating your sentences could possibly irritate your potential readers and bored them.

2. Write straight to the point
Don’t complicate what you have to say. Just get straight to the point so that your readers don’t have to get confused. Make it faster for your readers to read and also understand. Remember that for a writer to be effective, balance of quantity and quality is vital. Although some writing jobs have a certain word count rule, make sure that what you write makes sense and is straight to the point of the thought of the topic.

3. Use words that will sound more inviting and comfortable to your readers
In your writing, try always be positive. Being negative in your writing content can discourage the reader easily. So be careful with what you need your reader to understand and absorb. Make your reader feel important, because the honest truth is, they really are because without them, writing jobs won’t even be a reality. Make them feel like you want to really try to help them and really want to provide the essential information for them.

4. Suggest to your readers, don’t act like a bossy person
Like anybody that you talk to, make sure you don’t command your readers in doing something or thinking about something because they are reading your writing content because they need your advice and opinion about something they researched about. Instead of saying something like “you should do this”, try saying “I really believe that by doing this…” It sounds more inviting for the readers and they’ll actually take your advice.

5. Use strong sentences
In connection to not repeating sentences, make your sentences strong enough so that you don’t need to repeat. Just take in mind that when you hear your favorite movie line or much-loved line from a book, it is so powerful to you that you can’t forget what was said, even memorizing it thoroughly. Same goes for your writing. Make it strong and powerful so even if you mention it once, your readers will still remember it.


6. Be mysterious
Everybody loves a good mysterious once in a while. Same goes for writing. Readers want that curiosity before the real deal. On the first half of your material, leave some space for mystery so that your readers are more eager to read more about the topic. Start off with a question and leave them wanting more.

7. Figures of speech is always a winner
When it comes to figures of speech, it is always a great idea to use this in writing. Try out metaphors, similes, analogies and euphemisms. Keep your writing material entertaining but easy to understand.

8. Add a bit of humor for a kick
Anything with humor is always a good thing. Lighten up the mood with your writing with adding in some spunk. Don’t force it, just let it flow. Don’t make it too corny though.

9. Experience is important
It is better to have experienced and gone through what you are writing about before actually suggesting it to others. You know how it feels to do it and you don’t have to make up anything. First-hand experience is a great thing when it comes to writing.

10. Be open to other’s writing material
Open yourself to reading other’s work so that you can expand your knowledge and try out different writing styles that you might actually be great at. Whether it is learning something new to try out or learning “what not to do”, you still gain knowledge from reading someone else’s work.

By trying these 10 simple tips for more effective writing, you may enhance your writing work and also impress and interest your readers much more. Practice always makes perfect, so try not to expect improved writing in a jiffy. It may take more time and writing to get what your readers’ really want to get from your content.


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