What if Guys and Girls Switched Roles at Bars? – The FLip Side

Guys and Girls Roles at Bars
Getting ready? The men laugh at how great it is to be a man–to throw on a shirt, brush our teeth and put a little gel in the hair. Fifteen minutes, MAX. Ladies: incredibly long preparation ritual, countless outfits, and ridiculous rules completely unknown to guys. Ironically enough, most of these rules are enforced by women themselves.
Once you arrive at the bar, it all becomes crystal clear. Men are reminded there actually is a purpose to women’s madness, and one could say is a very well calculated investment. Women have invested all this time for an bigger payoff than anyone gives them credit for. Warren Buffet would be proud. The payoff list is long and continues past the night out and into the world of relationship games. The following are few of the more obvious perks, but some conspiracy theorist say this is just scratching the surface of the woman’s master plan. In a typical night out (many times the night will already forshadow advantage by having the name “Ladies night”) you notice women get:
- Front of line pass
- Free Drinks on the house or other guys
- Priority attention from bartenders
- Ability to dance with any girl or guy of their choosing
- Bathroom Parties?
- VIP Access
But what would happen if the roles switched? What if she called the cab for him in the morning and HE had to hold his Nike’s during the walk of shame? YouTube channel MultiMixMedia gives us a glimpse of this fantasy world.
Thanks Jonathan Dudley from St. Louis for suggesting this video to us. Suggest content to LTCL on Facebook, Twitter @Living_College, or click that “contact us” tab above.
Alex Cruz