Posted 8/22/12 by Alex Cruz in Lifestyle

Education Epidemic: Old Ways of Thinking vs. Changing Times

old school school
old school school

Old School

Is our generation in the middle of a transition from broken ways of thinking to a new age of education? Are your school’s professors keeping up with the changing times to prepare you for the real world?
Standardize test scores are slipping in the United States compared to other countries. It’s becoming more clear that things need to change sooner rather than later.  It is up to our generation to do something.

Credible thinkers who notice this change are beginning to raise the same questions and address the same issues.

Hear what they have to say:


School Epidemic

This animate was adapted from a talk given at the RSA by Sir Ken Robinson, world-renowned education and creativity expert and recipient of the RSA’s Benjamin Franklin award.
For more information on Sir Ken’s work visit: http://www.sirkenrobinson.com




Best selling author, and top marketing blogger, Seth Godin, discusses the failure of our educational model that’s built around producing factory workers.


Do you think there is a school epidemic? Let us know what you think in a comment below. 

Alex Cruz

Alex Cruz is founder of LTCL Magazine. Driven to provide readers some practical advice and solid entertainment. Life is short, lets kick back and have a good time.