Best Way To Get Over a Breakup

What’s the best way to forget about an ex?
If your answer is winning the lottery, you may be right.
A 22 year-old from Hyannis, Sandeep “Sunny” Singh, is one of the lucky people who got to mend a broken heart with a cool $30.5 million.
On Wednesday, this guy was given the over sized check after matching up all five numbers in the Mega Millions jackpot. As he was taking deep breaths of excitement he was asked the obvious questions about his current life situation and what he was planning on doing now as a millionaire.
Sunny told the reporter that he was going to quit his two jobs, buy a new house, help his mom, and do a little something for the community.
He was then asked if he had a girlfriend. Sunny replied with a clever smirk, “She broke up with me, but right now I’m not really worried about it,” he said. “I was heartbroken at first, but now I’m getting over it.”
Electing to take the lump sum of $23 million, he now has the money to get a premium membership to that will last about 98,000 years. Or if he wants to win a lady over he could just buy 940,000 boxes of gourmet chocolates. The ball is clearly in Sunny’s court- he probably owns it.
He also plans to go back to Cape Cod community college, then to UMass for his business degree.
So if you were just broken up with and won the lottery a couple weeks later, what would you do with the money? And if you were Sunny, would you answer the inevitable phone call?
(He also won a $4 scratcher on the same day)