Freshman’s Guide to College: According to Jimmy Tatro

Lesson 1 Overview:
- First thing to do at college: Go to Dorms
- Your parents and RA will hit it off
- Your RA is not to be trusted
- One Beer = Party
- You Need Friends
- Kid from high school is not a friend
- Find kid who’s been written up. That is your new friend
- RA events are not where the cool kids go
- Use a box to sneak alcohol into dorm room
Lesson 2 Overview
- 99.9% of long boarders eat sh*t 100% more times than walkers
- If you have the balls to ride a scooter in college, don’t get hit by a truck
- It doesn’t matter how cool you were in high school
- Going to football games= cool
- NOT going to the football game cuz you were too drunk= coolER
- Long Distance relationships with college sweetheart – hahaha…
College Relationships are just like a Facebook status. In the moment everyone might like it but as time goes on, it’s so deep in the Facebook timeline, that nobody really gives a F*ck.
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Lesson 3 Overview
- Don’t try and keep up at parties
- Guys: 2-3 shots don’t transform you into Ryan Goslin
- Stop trying to hookup with girl if she’s not interested
- Girls: Sometimes guys don’t want to make out with you either–imagine that?
- Studies show that while intoxicated, 65% of girls think they are much hotter than they actually are
- You’re going to be drinking cheap booze because that’s all you can afford
- Disguise crappy booze inside a used bottle of nice booze
- Mike’s Hard Lemonade or Smirnoff Ice = Vagina
- 89% chance person you’re talking to doesn’t care how well you know the guy who’s throwing the party
- Don’t bring up the fact that you are a freshman or anything to do with class while celebrating the fact that you are not in class