Posted 10/2/12 by David Rivet in Videos

Angry Birds: UNC Style

soccer trick angry bird
soccer trick angry bird

1x1.trans Angry Birds: UNC Style

College classes can be boring at times. How do you pass the time? Whip out your iPhone and start playing a game: Words with Friends, Angry Birds, Fruit Ninja. You name it.  UNC Asheville Goalkeepers, Lassi Hurskainen and Dan Jackson, set out to create a real life version of Angry Birds. These guys are unreal!






David Rivet

David Rivet
David Rivet currently attends Saint Louis University in Madrid, Spain. Although he is graduating with a degree in International Business, David has experience working as the Social Media Coordinator for multiple small to medium sized businesses in St. Louis, MO. David is currently the Head of Social Media for LTCL Magazine.