College Prep: Things to Remember for Starting School This Fall

For better or worse, it’s time to go back to school! Colleges nationwide are welcoming students for the fall term, many beginning courses this week. Freshmen are moving into dorm rooms, seniors are honing their procrastination skills, and everybody is one step closer to graduation. Whether it’s your first year at a university, or your fourth, there are bound to be things that you forget when caught up in the rush of beginning the school year. Well, that’s where we come in!
Here are a couple of the things you should remember to bring (or do) when moving back to school.
Prepare for Late Nights & Last-Minute Meals

You can find quick, easy food options like Hormel Compleats at your local grocery store, or at an on-campus food mart!
While most of us enter into the school year with grand intentions of eating salads in the dining commons at every meal, in the end it’s not usually realistic. There are nights where you’ve got to cram in a few extra hours of studying in your room, or simply don’t want to get dressed and meet up with friends to go grab food. For situations like these, it’s important to have a stockpile of easy-to-make meal options in your quarters… and yes, this is where the “college students eat nothing but ramen” stereotype comes from.
A good example of these types of meals would be the Hormel Compleats line… there are tons of meal options, ranging from cheese & spinach ravioli to teriyaki chicken & rice. The best part is that you don’t even need to refrigerate the meals before preparing them in the microwave.
Leave Excess Stuff at Home
In most cases, college living situations are pretty cramped; dorm living is notoriously limited when it comes to space, and the typical college apartment is not exactly the Taj Mahal when it comes to square footage. That’s why it’s important to prioritize the items that you bring with you to your college quarters! While having your entire library of leisure-reading books may sound appealing, there probably won’t be time during the term for you to sit back and relax with a gripping novel (unless it’s for a lit class!) and thus it might be better left at home. The same goes for your entire wardrobe: try bringing only the clothes that you need for the weather this term, then switching them out during Thanksgiving or winter break when seasons change.
Dress for Success… And Comfort
When it comes to making a good impression at school, it’s good to dress fashionably. However, you also need to keep in mind that you’ll be walking or biking between classes, sitting in cold lecture halls, and sitting for long periods of time! Make sure to bring along clothes that are stylish and comfortable.
Save Money- Double Check the Web!

It’s important to check the internet for coupons and other ways to save!
In college, there are tons of expenses that seem unnecessary. Books can cost hundreds of dollars, going out for beers on “Thirsty Thursday” can be pricey, and extra-curricular activities can cost astronomically high prices. That’s why it’s important to check online for budget shortcuts! Before ordering a brand new textbook, peruse the internet for a free PDF file or a used copy. Check apps like Groupon, Opttown, Scoutmob, and DrinkOwl for specials or coupons before hitting the town- you might be pleased with a free appetizer or discounted margarita at your favorite restaurant!
Are you an experienced student? Tell us about your tips and tricks in the comments below!