Joanna posted an update in the group
Pitching Article Ideas 1 day, 7 hours ago
What does everyone think about a video series for the Ladies Lounge where we seek out the best tutorials for the hardest things to master (involving makeup, hair, nails, etc…)? Thinking the series would be called ”Unlocked”
Joanna changed their profile picture 1 day, 7 hours ago
Joanna and
Rachel Crocetti are now friends 2 weeks, 1 day ago
Joanna joined the group
Pitching Article Ideas 2 weeks, 2 days ago
I think its brilliant!
But if you are going to base your article off of a youtube video, it is important to do a couple of things. 1) Your article must still add value. You can do this by adding your own input or by summarizing the most important things covered in the video. You can bullet point the most helpful advice, summarize it, suggest…[Read more]