Does Weed Attract Girls?

Let’s talk about weed.
I don’t smoke it, but I’m around it and the culture quite often, often enough to start to figure out trends of my marijuana-addicted friends and acquaintances. Most of these trends are really simple:
-Dubstep Music and “Womping” (essentially stupid dancing to said dubstep music)
-Bob Marley posters
Now I have no issue with Bob Marley, he’s a great singer, and I occasionally listen to his music, but I feel like if you’re going to put the time to have a poster in your room of a singer, you should listen to them A LOT. I have never walked in on my pot-smoking friends listening to Bob Marley. It’s so cliche that it doesn’t even happen.
Weed is really annoying, but the worst part is guys who would have no shot at certain attractive girls, get with these girls BECAUSE of weed, which is why I have nicknamed it “The Equalizer.”
A good-looking guy can get almost any girl. A good looking guy who smokes weed with ANY girl who smokes weed.
An ugly or super awkward guy can get decent looking girls sometimes. An ugly or super awkward guy can get very attractive girls sometimes because of weed.
So, essentially, this is my warning to all of you good-looking guys who DON’T smoke weed: Don’t try too hard for a cute girl who smokes weed. You’re not going to lose because of your looks, your charm, or your sense of humor. You’re going to lose because you don’t connect with her in that deep, green, sticky-icky way. It’s just the way it is.
The funny thing is, is that this theory brings up an interesting experiment.
Kids, don’t try this at home, but if you’re bored, fuck it, just do it.
- Make friends with a cool guy who smokes weed
- Smoke weed with him (Side note: Please continue being productive, otherwise you fucking suck like 90% of potheads)
- Go to parties with your weed friends. Meet attractive girls who smoke weed.
- Smoke weed with said girls.
- Go HAM.
I would never do this because my career forces me to stay pretty straight-edge (aside from my love of vodka, which will be in the next post), but if you’re someone who likes to try new things, and wants to test out my theory, go for it.
Side-effects of weed: Laziness, Excessive FIFA playing, Hunger for ranch dressing to dip any sort of food in, and apparently, getting with hot girls.
wow, you are pretty fucking stupid. Hopefully you grow up a little soon, seeing as you are pretty much done with college
James – please specify what you found troubling with this and I can explain, and/or clarify anything for you.
Agree with James. Wow what a load of garbage. I don’t get why you would profess to be such an expert on the topic when you don’t even smoke due to your “straight-edge” lifestyle. Your idea of rebellion is to smoke weed with some “stoners”, man you off the chain! Not
I appreciate the comments and feedback, but honestly I think you guys are missing the point. I know next to nothing about weed itself, I’m not claiming to be an expert on that at all. The article is about the advantages of having something in common with a girl and my observation that having weed in common tends to be a stronger bond than most random things.
Hell, even smoking cigarettes gives you an advantage with girls who also smoke cigarettes (letting her bum a cig = equivalent of buying her a drink).
If weed is the topic – I’m not an expert. But it’s not. The topic is a theory that I’ve developed over years of observation. Read the context.
weed doesnt get you hot girls, just people who smoke are cooler and more down to earth
I think Armani has a point. There is a weed culture, and those who are involved are inclined to attract and interact others who are in it too. As a girl, I don’t think I can date someone who doesn’t smoke, just because I’d feel awkward when I tell them I’m smoking. Still, I have had plenty of friends/fwbs who don’t smoke and it’s fine. But, getting with hotter girls…. er. You lost me there.
hey armani. what are you talking about? why did you even write this, it’s the same as saying if you go to church you’ll get along better with a girl that goes to church. no fucking duh. as to getting hotter girls. you must of recently lost out on a hottie to a pothead or something.
Justin – Agree with you on the church comment. Obviously common interests are important. This article stems from an observation of a guy I know who hooks up with cute girls literally solely based on weed and persistence.
One night my friend and I were discussing him at a bar and a joke about weed being “the great equalizer” came along, so I decided to write this.
This is just one of my many random theories…I have another one where I believe every single white person knows the first few bars to “Lose Yourself” regardless of whether they have heard the song or not. Don’t take the article too seriously…
Hey Armani, some others may discourage your post there are a few holes in the logic and stereotyping, but none the less it dose hold some water, like someone else above had said (as I’m a male weed smoker) I feel a certain attraction to another smoker, I would take a smoker or a non any day as theres a certain connection (or maybe I’m the only one that feels that way), also its something the couple can enjoy together just the same as video games, but hotter girls… not really I knew some hot girls who smoked and I knew some that were quite the opposite… but at least they were nice, it doesn’t attract hotties, it attracts girls that smoke in general.
What the heck did I just read…. This is such a pointless article. Worst way to pick up a girl who will be in your life for a long time.
This is so stupid people who smoke weed always look like restates and laughing at every things its do annoyng
Your post is unreadable. You should learn how to write a proper sentence, use spell check, and use punctuation. Doing so would help you to reinforce your argument. In other words, you should become literate before casting stones. I’m way more tolerant of people who smoke than I am of those who post illegible comments. It would seem that you are the one who is stupid and annoying.
I found your article to be quite interesting. I’m an older person and have worked in the field of engineering all of my life. I was born in the late 60’s, grew up in the 70’s, and absolutely savored the 80’s. I started smoking in 1984. I dated girls who did not smoke, but not all of them appreciate the fact that I smoked. When I dated girls who did smoke, I found that they were obsessed with smoking. I simply enjoyed it as a recreational intoxicant, much the way someone would enjoy a beer from time to time.
In the early 90’s I became a daily smoker and continued until I met my wife. She did not smoke when I met her but she took it up in earnest once she finally decided to try it. I had never thought of someone being addicted before that, but she was addicted! I finally convinced her that it was better if you only enjoyed it every so often. Eventually we became occasional smokers, and now we only smoke once a year and this one particular Christmas party that we like to go to where everyone is a smoker.
I’ve never had the opportunity to view weed smoking from the same perspective that you have. However, in the years before I met my wife I did notice that some women that I met seemed instantly attracted to the fact that I smoked and would willingly share with them. Of course, there were the few that were so turned off by it that I never saw them again.
Weed never made me lazy. Probably because I grew up during a time when there was very little to do inside. In fact, out family time was spent at the lake during the summers, and my brother and I had motorcycles. We were outside year round as there was always something to do outside like water skiing, riding motorcycles, exploring the woods, sledding, building snowmen, bottle rocket fights, camping, fishing, hunting, building stuff, and occasionally getting into trouble. Inside was where we were sent for punishment.
You know, that is just comical to think of. You cannot punish kids today by sending them to their rooms since that is where they stay until they are 30 now! Regardless, such was not the case with my generation. So, when I started smoking weed, I wanted to do stuff while I was high. Physically active stuff, like all of the stuff I mentioned above. The best part was that since I was now getting to do it high it was almost like getting to do it all for the first time all over again!
Now, in the 90’s, I may have smoked and vegetated a little bit more. It was after college, and when I would get home from work, I just wanted to chill and chief out. My favorite kind of girl at this time of my life was the kind that wanted to do the same thing. I started getting a little on the heavy side though, and I started to feel lazy, so I joined the Army, and during that time I never smoked at all.
However, after the Army, I started back smoking, but I was a bit more active now. Eventually I met my wife…and a bunch of other stuff happened…some things awesome….some things less so…but anyway….
I enjoyed your article because it gives me insight into how a non-smoking person from a different generation views smokers within their own generation.