KATE UPTON dominates mouth watering burgers and begins to model head banging headphones
If there wasn’t enough momentum, the newest ads by 20 year old supermodel, Kate Upton, shot by Skullcandy, attempt to remind you that we also have ears to go with the eyes you are using to gawk at these smoldering hot shots.
For those not looking, well, 20 year old Kate is going to try and grab your attention by wearing ever more revealing tops, unzipped short shorts, and of course, blowing a few little bubbles your way. Check it out:
Picture by: Skullcandy
Picture by: Skullcandy
Keep it going for Kate. Keep it going…
Picture by: Skullcandy
Picture by: Skullcandy
Picture by: Skullcandy
E news gives some insight and opinion about this supermodel’s special treatment and strip down shoot.
Picture by: Skullcandy
Picture by: Skullcandy
Picture by Skullcandy
Model Chrissy Teigen models a set of earphones in the latest marketing campaign from Skullcandy. Picture by: Skullcandy
Sexy models like Chrissy Teigen give Kate a run for her money…
Picture by: Skullcandy
Picture by: Skullcandy
Model Chanel Iman brightens up anyone’s day with her smile. Picture by: Skullcandy
Chanel Iman, brings it to the shoot, taking a surf board and making me want to move to the beach.
Picture by: Skullcandy
So you like this? Let us know what you think. It is interesting isn’t it–at 20, she still can’t walk into a bar and order a cold beer, legally…