How to use Social Networking to Revamp Your College Wardrobe

The College Wardrobe
The new school term is starting at universities across the globe, and exciting as that may be, it also harkens a new realization for many fashion-forward pupils: as students grow older, their bank accounts tend to dwindle. Long gone are the days of back to school clothes shopping with the parents, the luxury of not having to decide between paying your cell phone bill and getting a new fall sweater as distant as high school memories. It seems like you’re destined to sit in front of the computer creating your dream closet on Pinterest, adorned in six-year-old jeans and a blouse that you bought when the Jonas Brothers were still the hottest guys in your life… But that doesn’t have to be your fate! Why not use your tech savvy to dump your old duds and fill your closet with clothes that you actually want to wear?
Option #1: The Facebook “Garage Sale”
If you’re a true fashionista, the odds are that your friends would love to get their hands on your clothes. Go through your closet, decide what to keep or sell, and photograph the apparel items that you’re willing to part with. Make an album on Facebook with the sizes, brands, and prices for each piece, then advertise it to your friends list! If there’s a particular piece that multiple people want to buy, start a bidding war and sell for the highest price. Now you’re free to deliver the items and rake in the cash to put towards a new set of clothes. Just remember: the lower you price each piece, the more likely you are to have a successful “garage” sale!
Option #2: The “Swap Meet” Party
You’re not the only person at your college who is tired of their own wardrobe. Have you ever heard the saying “one man’s trash is another man’s treasure”? Use this phenomenon to your advantage! Invite all your fashionable friends, classmates, and acquaintances to a swap meet in your dorm or apartment via Facebook (your friends lost and your university’s page) and Twitter (under your college’s tag)… All they need to do is bring their unwanted clothes to the venue and start trading with others!
Option #3: “Role Reversal” Online Shopping
Unless you are creative and hopped on the Etsy bandwagon, you probably don’t have much experience selling items online. Now there are sites that make it easy to sell your old clothes! Sites like will pay you for your high quality used clothing, and even cover the shipping costs… So why not utilize these types of amazing tools?
Using these tactics, you may very well be on your way to the ultimate fashion closet without breaking the bank… And they’re things you can do every time you hit a fashion slump! People want to change it up every new season, so make social network fashion makeovers a habit and you’ll never need to spend hundreds at a mall again.