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Hollywood’s (Awful) Dating Advice: The Important Tips You Got All Wrong

Posted 8/7/12 by Cara Chiaramonte

Hollywood’s romantic comedies are often known for cheesy happy-endings and over-the-top romantic gestures, but are these movies sending the right message? The answer is no. Most of the time, these films not giving great advice in the love department. In fact, most of the events that occur in movies are unrealistic. After all, it is [...]

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How to Avoid a Regretful Hookup

Posted 7/23/12 by Becca Smith

Why is it that some things seem so right in the moment, but later you think to yourself, “How the hell did that happen”?  Living in the moment has it’s upside.  It can be fun to be spontaneous and carefree at times.  However, in the heat of the moment some people make choices they really [...]

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How to Get Her Number Using Pokemon Pickup Lines

Posted 7/23/12 by Alex Cruz

Gotta catch them all College students today all share the fond childhood memory of Pokemon. Getting that Charzard in the booster pack was a dream come true for a few of you lucky trainers. Showing up the next day to class like it was no big deal, but Jenny in class still thought you were the sh*t [...]

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Safe Sexting in College

Posted 7/15/12 by Becca Smith

Sexting in College Advice You’ve heard of safe sex, but what is safe sexting?  Its being smart with your phone while sending sexual texts or pictures to others.  What is sexting? Sexting is a result of advances in technology enabling new forms of social interaction. Messages with sexual content have been exchanged over all forms [...]

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